Sunday, May 19, 2013

Who Knows

“Pete’s apartment is where sadness goes to kill itself.”
Mad Men Recap podcast

Know what Florida means? (“Sunshine and palm trees and Disney World?”) Close. CMT on the morning run! It’s the little things in life.

Really no question that Tyler Farr will be a star, and I have looped “Redneck Crazy” on runs for some time now. He has a killer voice – prettier and more stylized than Tim McGraw, but with a Shelton attitude. (Don’t get me started on McGraw. We can only take so many sappy love songs.) But… man, that’s a whole lot of redneck crammed into one music video. I love the “other guy” cowering behind the woman. Its’ absolutely worth checking out. Unless you don’t care for country music, in which case you can sprout some taste and come back later.

Why didn’t they air Rafa’s match today? Every bloody football practice that even thinks about transpiring receives airtime but nope, not a major tennis match! They even air hour after hour ofoverweight, drunk blokes sitting around talking about fantasy football. Let that one sink in for a moment, and then explain to me why the ESPN powers that be deprived us of his brilliance. Pfft.

Did quite enjoy the Preakness yesterday, though. Rough blow to Orb, but that seemed unavoidable – every jockey in the field knew full well about his aversion to running on the rail, and simply boxed him in. Nice show by Rosie, though. I remain hopeful that she’ll pull thru and triumph in the Belmont. Of course… that does mean yet another year without a Triple Crown winner. I wonder whether it will ever transpire again.

I don’t hold anything in horoscopes and view astrology as a curious concept of nebulous scientific base, but do find the personality analysis components interesting to read about. A truism I encountered: “The Moon in Gemini mind needs constant stimulation, and this is how it finds emotional comfort.” Say what you want about astrology; that truth resonated in my soul like a tremendous bell clanging.

For all that I don’t watch telly, I’ll miss my one and only show Mad Men this evening. Meaning, since I won’t be able to control myself, I’ll be online tomorrow perusing the episode analyses without having actually viewed the episode. Dork alert, right here.

I miss the heyday of Doctor Who, with Ten. And new Harry Potter books.

My best friend from high school and primary texting buddy has a girlfriend again. Meaning he will fade into silence and I’ll be SOL by way of communication. Okay, that’s not exactly the case, but that’s how it feels every single time he ghosts on me. And you’d think at some point I would learn, well, he’s just going to get another girlfriend in a week so I really shouldn’t allow myself to grow accustomed to texting him… and every single time, I fall back into the same old pattern. 

Related: how does he keep doing this? How do people flit from significant other to significant other? I haven’t dated since Canada and I broke up in November. November. It’s now May. Six months. (Alright, one first date that almost put me off of dating altogether.) He’s had about nine million girlfriends (alright, one per month). How do you just flip through hearts like that, as though discarding old paperbacks? Don’t you grow attached and miss a particular person rather than just cramming any suitable person who comes along into the void? Am I just constructed differently than everyone else?

A small hawk landed on our fence in the backyard today. This majestic creature, young and not yet developed, peering in our bushes. An honor to play host.