Monday, May 27, 2013

Sadistic Eels

"My hovercraft is full of eels."
- Monty Python

Two days ago I developed a twinge in my upper left shoulder, roundabouts the trapezius muscle. That's where I have always gathered my tension, throughout college and law school. Yesterday by mid-afternoon it had spread to both sides and down into whatever other muscles cluster in that area, and I experienced extreme difficulty turning my head whilst biking. By sundown I found myself spread-eagle on the floor with my arms outstretched and could barely move my neck. With the assistance of Advil and nine hours' slumber, I have upgraded to functional but remain incredibly stiff. 

Usually this transpires around final exam time, but I (obviously) am spared that stressor and really have nothing else pouring down on me at the moment. I don't know what's bothering me. Could this be a side effect of withdrawing from pharmaceuticals? A psychosomatic manifestation? The only brief respite I have devised is the child pose of yoga, and variations thereof. 

I'm journaling like mad trying to get whatever it is out. This is so bizarre. It descended out of nowhere. 

And thirteen days of magnificent Slam tennis glisten on the horizon! Why so profoundly annoyed, psyche?